User account


Note about ways to create a new user account

          When you enter your user name that you want, and (valid) email address - on email address you entered is sent to you email with one-time link (link valid for only 24 hours, so if you are not using at the time you need to repeat the process) that should clicking and with that your account will be activated and you will be asked to set your password.
After that first initial login to the site via the link on the site in the future applying just by entering your user name and your password.


Note about the possible problems receiving e-mail with a link for entry into site

          If you can not find in your inbox an email with a link to access our site sent to you automatically from our website after your registration or password changes - make sure you email by mistake (imperfect global parameters to detect spam) transferred automatically to spam / junk / trash / garbage / waste inbox!


          If you continue to have problems, please contact us here>>.